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Pinot Noir Club
Nothing shows the differences between different Pinot Noirs better than lining them up in a tasting and giving them due consideration. And taking a good mouthful or two, too, of course. Liz Wheadon runs our Pinot Club, which looks at Pinot from everywhere -Burgundy, Central Otago, Martinborough and more, and provides a great opportunity to taste some outstanding (and often very expensive!) wines and to see why the Holy Grail of grapes continues to excite and amaze.

All prices are stated in New Zealand dollars inclusive of goods & services tax (GST). Alcohol is supplied under our licence which can be viewed here. In order to purchase alcohol you must be over 18 years old and legally entitled to do so. All transactions are subject to this and all our other Terms and Conditions, which can be viewed here. Please note that your web browser must have cookies and javascript enabled in order to use all of the features of this website, including online shopping.

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