Please confirm your Vintage!
Are you 18 or over? If you're under 18
we can't let you in the cellar door.
(Sorry it's the law)
Herne Bay
Held in the cosy confines of the old bricked cellar beneath the store, the Jervois Road Cellar Tastings are usually hosted by our expert Jervois Road store manager, although the manager occasionally hands the reins over for a special event, such as a vertical tasting of one of New Zealand's great wine companies, or the new release of something special. France features prominently on the schedule too - it's a great environment, and the wines are always interesting, often rare, and always enjoyable.

All prices are stated in New Zealand dollars inclusive of goods & services tax (GST). Alcohol is supplied under our licence which can be viewed here. In order to purchase alcohol you must be over 18 years old and legally entitled to do so. All transactions are subject to this and all our other Terms and Conditions, which can be viewed here. Please note that your web browser must have cookies and javascript enabled in order to use all of the features of this website, including online shopping.

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